Parts, lets put it all together physically
It doesn’t come as a shock for anyone that there are different modalities that align very well with EMDR. EMDR itself is an intervention through an AIP theory. With that in mind we can definitively say, there are some other supplemental forms of therapy that just blend beautifully with EMDR. Some include working with parts, we hear a lot about IFS and ego states that fall into that category.
So let’s break it down, parts work.
We can begin to explain to our clients that they’re different parts of the self. Some of these parts work very well together and other parts live in a constant tug-of-war, creating tension and activation. This can help to make the EMDR work salient and becomes a powerful resource for our clients. The parts that start to spend some time getting to know can work to speed up or slow down various phases of EMDR. I won't dive into IFS or ego states here as I don’t claim to be an expert on those modalities. What I will dive into is the power of physicalizing those parts of the self/mind.
Get creative with how you can work with your client to physicalize those parts- maybe legos? Maybe artwork? Maybe postcards to each part?
Have fun with the process of parts!
There are countless ways to physicalize those parts of the self. Some of our favorites include: drawing, miniatures in a sand tray, notecards, with words or images, toys, stickers, use of colors or songs. There is a lot of power in physically outlining the different parts of the self, which in turn becomes a phase 2 resource. We teach that there are various parts of the self and when they live in harmony there is a manageable amount of activation. So what happens when those parts are not living in harmony? What do we do when those parts adapt to our tricks as the therapist and start to block us? When they catch onto the healing power of EMDR and those parts metaphorically yell: “step back you’re too close”, before shutting us down completely.
Well it should come as no shock to what I am about to recommend: we physicalize it them and then hold space for them. The brain responds differently to our physical environment. We work to align with those parts and we give them time and space to be honored and understood. Some parts we can work with are:
Kid parts
Teenage parts
Self harm parts
Friend parts
Parts that crave connection
And do many many more
We pull from Fraser’s dissociative table exercise to help put clients honor and work with their parts to heal rather than continue to fight against them. We take an AIP approach and recognize that all these parts have been helpful at some point and provide us invaluable information.
It is all just information after all…